Flower update through 5/14/03



Close up of the Bleeding Heart flower



Tulips mixed in with the overpowering Bleeding Heart


Tulips that the deer left for us this year







Grape Hyacinth





Close up of the Grape Hyacinth flower





This little guy is the sole survivor of several attempts to raise Primrose.  Note the Winter Creeper sneaking up and thinking about choking out the poor guy.




Lilacs are just starting to bloom.   We also have some pink ones in bloom.





This is a Hawthorne tree in bloom.   We have several on the lot that came with the lot.  Photo taken through second floor window out front of house.






This chewed off Hosta is the reason 4 legged critters are not welcome in our yard this time of the year.




This is my garden for this year.   See cucumbers, zucchini,  summer squash, and tomatoes.   Still looking for yellow plum or pear tomatoes.  Seems to be a shortage this year.


That's all for now